Saturday 6 June 2015

How Computers can be used in the Language Class

1) Teaching with one computer in the class
                - delivery of content (PowerPoint, word-processor, Webpages, etc.)
                - classroom activities/discussions mediated by the computer
                - Interactive whiteboard

2) Teaching in the computer network room (network-based language teaching)
                - task-based group work /activities
                - computer-mediated communication (CMC): asynchronous/synchronous
                - tandem learning
3) Self-access learning (independent learning)
                - drills and exercises
                - word processing
                - resource searching

4) Distance learning (i.e. individual learners working by themselves, at a place and time of their choice and, to some extent, at a pace and in an order also chosen by themselves.)
                - delivering online course content
                - CMC activities: email, discussion forum, chat rooms
                - tandem learning
                - community building

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